Information on EKONJIMO project are posted under header Projects/EKONJIMO Zambia of this web pages. Here you can find all publications that Project has produced for your free download.
In 2015 Project produced simple Organic Farming Guide volume 1 on Crop Production in English.
Contents: 1 Soil properties ……………………………………………………………………...............................…...…….3 1.1 Physical properties …………………………………………………………………...................…………..3 1.2 Chemical properties ……………………………………………………………………..................………4 2 Methods to enhance soil fertility and suppress weeds……………7 2.1 Cover crops …………………………………………………………………….................................…………..7 Practical sheet 1 - Cover crops ………………………………………………………........………....9 2.2 Composting …………………………………………………………...............................…………………….10 Practical sheet 2 - Composting ………………………........………………………………………..12 2.3 Crop rotation ………………………………………………………………….............................…………....14 Practical sheet 3 - Crop rotation ………………………………………….......…………………….15 2.4 Mulching ……………………………………………………………………………...................................……..17 Practical sheet 4 - Mulching ………………………………………...........……………………………19 2.5 Tillage ………………………………………………………………………….....................................…………...20 Practical sheet 5 - Conservation tillage …………………………………………………..21 Practical sheet 6 - How to Build a Small Vegetable Garden..22 Taking into consideration that EKONJIMO project beneficiaries were simple and poor farmers who do not have computers or internet connection this guide was also printed in Livingstone and handed out to farmers free of charge.
Zambia has several major indigenous languages, all of them members of the Bantu family. English is the official language and the major language of business and education. Zambia is widely claimed to have over 72 languages and dialects. Most of these might be better regarded as dialects and some of them, have a long history within Zambia, while others, such as Silozi, arose as a result of 18th and 19th-century migrations.
Seven of them were officially recognised as regional languages and they still have this official status. |
Together these represent the major languages of each province: Bemba (Northern Province, Luapula, Muchinga and the Copperbelt), Nyanja (Lusaka), Silozi (Western Province), Tonga and Silozi (Southern Province) and Kaonde, Luvale and Lunda (Northwestern Province). These seven languages are used, together with English, in early primary schooling and in some government publications. A common orthography was approved by the Ministry of Education in 1977. According to the 2000 census, Zambia's most widely spoken languages are Bemba (spoken by 35% of the population as either a first or second language), Nyanja (37%), Tonga (25%) and Silozi (18%).
Taking into account that minority population within EKONJIMO Project region speaks and read English fluently the first volume of the Organic Farming Guide was translated into Silozi and printed in Livingstone in 2016.
Taking into account that minority population within EKONJIMO Project region speaks and read English fluently the first volume of the Organic Farming Guide was translated into Silozi and printed in Livingstone in 2016.
Mukoloko wa ze mwahali 1. Tutu ye fumanwa mwa mubu ………………………….….……………………………………………3 1.1. Tutu ye bonwa ………………………………………………………………………………………………...........…..3 1.2. Tutu ya milyani ……………….……………………............…………………………………………………………5 2. Mikwa ya ku zwisezapili mubu ni ku fenya bucwaňi bobu sa tokwahali mwa simu………..................................................................................……..8 2.1. Licalo ze sebeliswa ku kwahela mubu ka nako yeo kusina sesi cezwi mwa simu………...........…….............................................................................……9 Pampili ya pili ye bonisa mwa ku ezeza – Cover crops………11 2.2. Ku bolisa (Composting)………………………………………………………………………………...12 Pampili ya bubeli ye bonisa mwa ku ezeza –Ku bolisa……16 2.3 Mu potolohisezo wa ku cala licalo (Crop rotation)………………..18 Pampili ya bulalu ye bonisa mwa ku ezeza …………………………………20 2.4. Ku sileleza mubu ka ku kwahela sesiňwi fahalimu (Mulching)…22 Pampili ya bune ye bonisa mwa ku ezeza …..…………………………………….25 2.5. Ku lima mubu wa ku hulisa licalo (Tillage)……………………………………………26 Pampili ya bu 5 ye bonisa mwa ku ezeza – Mulimelo wa conservation tillage……………………27 Pampili ya bu 6 ye bonisa mwa ku ezeza – Mwa ku yahela simunyana ya miloho………………28 For those of you who would like to learn Silozi we are recommending Silozi-English dictionary at:
In 2016 Project produced another simple Organic Farming Guide volume 2 on Plant Protection in English.
Contents: 1 Integrated pest management......................3 2 Cultural control .......................................................3 2.1 Companion planting ...........................................3 2.2 Trap cropping ..........................................................4 2.3 Intercropping ...........................................................4 2.4 Sanitation ....................................................................5 3 Physical and mechanical control ..............6 3.1 Tillage .............................................................................6 3.2 Hand pulling .............................................................6 3.3 Solarization ................................................................6 3.4 Summer fallow .......................................................6 4 Biological control ...................................................7 5 Natural remedies ....................................................8 5.1 Tomato leaves ..........................................................8 5.2 Rhubarb leaves .......................................................8 5.3 Potato leaves ............................................................8 5.4 Onion and garlic ......................................................9 5.5 Pyrethrum ....................................................................9 6 Protecting crops from monkeys ................10 6.1 Sunn hemp ................................................................10 6.2 Molasses grass ......................................................10 6.3 Pitched bell ..............................................................10 6.4 Chili powder ............................................................10 6.5 Dry fish .........................................................................11 6.6 Plastic snakes .........................................................11 Annex I - Example of a trap cropping strategy ........12 Annex II - Sunn hemp ...............................................14 7 Bibliography .................................................................15 |
It was planned that second volume of the Organic Farming Guide on Plant Protection should be also translated into Silozi and later printed but due to the unexpected termination of Project in 2017 that was not achieved.
Besides organic farming guides two leaflets in English were also produced:
Besides organic farming guides two leaflets in English were also produced:
List of crops suitable to be grown in Sesheke District in Western Province of Zambia (2015)
Grasshopper Control (2016)
The author of all presented EKONJIMO publications was Ms Virna Klarić, mag.oecol., present President of Eko Liburnia.
At the end we would like to inform you about excellent work on organic agriculture done by Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC) from Lusaka. We have visited them in 2017 and we were extremely amazed about scope of their activites including publications. For more information kindly visit their web pages: